Residency and Citizenship by Investment Consulting

Our services

We provide end-to-end consulting to choose the most appropriate residency/citizenship program and investment option and provide assistance with document collection, application, and post-application. You will experience a seamless and fast-track application process to help secure your future.

Program Decision

Not sure about which program to pick? After analysing your situation from multiple perspectives (marital status, age, employment, current citizenships, etc.) we are able to offer you the ideal residency / citizenship option to cover all bases.

Investment Advisory

Once the destination country is picked, we zero in on the type of investment that fits your general portfolio strategy. While 90% of the market is real estate driven, we keep an open mind to make sure client-investment match is immaculate.

Document Collection

While helping over 200 investors finalize their investments, we found out investments are usually late and document collection becomes a hassle. We take into consideration multiple legal constraints to speed the document collection process.

Application & Tracking

Investment is only a means to an end in the residency & citizenship by immigration. Immaculate processing and document submission is key. We recruit top of their class professionals in local markets to avoid bad surprises.

Program types

Residence by Investment

Residence by Investment (RBI) programs, also known as Golden Visas, allow the investor to relocate and provide the rights to live, study, and work in the host country.

Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs allow individuals to acquire citizenship in a foreign country in exchange for an investment, which expands global mobility travel and allows for relocation. Over 100 countries offer such programs, and investment types include real estate, fund investment, or donation.

Citizenship by Ancestry

Citizenship by Investment is where individuals acquire citizenship based on ancestry through their parents, grandparents, or other ancestors. There are over 50 countries around the world that offers some ancestry pathway, but each has its eligibility criteria and process.

Digital Nomad & Start-up Visas

Digital Nomad & Start-up visas aim to provide conditional residency for financially stable workers who want to work remotely and to entrepreneurs who want to relocate, respectively. Depending on the country and type of program, visa holders may gain the right to convert to permanent residency.

Business Investment

Residency through business investment is where individuals get residency through a Director position in the entity formed in the host country. Business investments sometimes have a minimum investment threshold and part of the Golden Visa programs (RBI).

Highly Qualified Visas

Highly Qualified Visas (HQAs) aim to attract talent from the following highly qualified sectors: STEM-based professionals, health professionals, ICT professionals, research and Ph.D. candidates, and c-level executives. Offered by multiple countries, such as the United Kingdom and Portugal, each program has its eligibility criteria and process.